New membership pricing for the new year | Property

On behalf of, thank you to all our valued members for using our service. Our Membership packages are specifically designed to help expand our members’ business and increase sales through Bikroy. Bikroy Membership allows our members’ business to have a bigger presence on Bikroy so that they can reach even more customers through their virtual shop.

Our Membership packages come loaded with features, including a dedicated team that helps to get the most out of Bikroy:

    • Own shop on Bikroy
    • All ads in one place
    • More interested buyers which will boost the users’ sales
    • Post more ads
    • Bonus promotions like To Ad, Bump Up, Urgent, Spotlight, etc.

It is to inform that Bikroy membership pricing is going to be revised effective from 1st January 2020 in order to improve your experience with us. In addition to our regular membership, we promise to provide enhanced customer service to our members and help increase their business with more sales possibilities. The updated membership price list is given below.

Bikroy membership for property

We hope we can continue to serve our members long into the future. In case of any questions or clarification on this, please contact your Bikroy sales representative or call us at 09609 555 444.

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