Beginners Guide to Keeping Poultry in Bangladesh

The following article is designed to provide people with advice that is easy to understand about how you can raise poultry in a safe and proper way that will allow all of your birds in Bangladesh to remain disease free. There are a large number of things that can cause injuries and sickness to poultry. This is why the birds will need to be closely watched each day. If sick poultry are eaten, it is only a matter of time until the people who eat them also become sick. If you want to find birds for sale, bird classifieds are a good place to look. The following steps should be followed to keep poultry healthy and safe. If you are planning to start a poultry firm have a look here: Buying and Selling Pet Animals in Bangladesh.
1. Baby chickens
When chicks are first hatched, you should never try to play with them or hold them during the first 24 hours. The water that the baby chicks will be drinking should be kept very warm. The reason for this is the chick’s small size does not give them the ability to create their own warmth. If baby chicks are given water that is too cold, the temperature of their body will decrease at a rapid rate. This can cause the chick to go into shock or become sick.
Give your chicks a starter/grower feed that is made for them. This will help them become hens and cocks. Sprinkle some of the feed on some tissue on the first day. This allows the chicks to feed easier when they have just been born. Use a trough and pour the feed into it. It is important to be certain that the trough is close enough to the ground so your chicks will be able to see it and eat it without any problems. If you have 25 chicks or less, a trough feeder that is one foot long is what you need. Be certain that your chicks are constantly given all of the feed they require. If you allow them to starve, they can become sick easily. Continue to give all of your chicks starter/grower feed until their first egg has been laid.
When they are babies, chicks will normally not begin to drink or eat until they have a warm body temperature. Therefore, a heat source will be required to give the chicks a 100 degree F environment for their first five hours of life. After five hours, you can decrease the to 97 degrees F and allow it to remain this way for 48 hours. You can use 150, 100 or 75-watt bulbs as the heat source for your chicks.
For 25 to 50 chicks, you will need one gallon of water. Heat the water to 97 degrees F before you serve it to the chicks. You can let the water cool down slightly during the second and third days, but make sure it is still warm. Room temperature water can be served to your chicks following the third day. Allow the chicks to taste the water by dipping their beak in it. They will want to keep drinking when you do this. Have a big amount of water available for the chicks at all times.
Other animals
Always be certain to separate your other pets and farm animals from your baby chicks. Cats will always kill chicks if given the opportunity. Put up a fence to surround your chicks and keep them safe from the other animals.
2. Quail and pheasants
The instructions listed above for raising chicks can also be used to raise quail and pheasants. However, there are several minor changes that need to be made. During their first week of life, keep them in a room that is 98 to 100 degrees F. During their second week, you can start to lower the temperature of their room by five degrees. You can continue to do this each week until you finally reach the level of 70 degrees F. You should constantly check the temperature. This is critical to their health. If you do not already own a thermometer, you should purchase one. You should also consider buying a water fountain that is made just for poultry. These are designed so it is hard for them to accidentally tip it over. You should never use any flooring made from wire because it can easily trap their feet.
3. Turkeys
You can also use the steps for chicks to help you raise turkeys. It is important to remember that baby turkeys can become cold sooner than chicks. Show your turkeys where the feed is so they know where to find it. If you do not show them, turkeys will often have problems finding their feed. Make sure your turkeys are always eating and drinking as much as they need. It is easy for them to starve to death. Place a few chicks in with your turkeys. The turkeys can learn to eat and drink from the chicks.
4. Geese and ducks
While the steps to care for baby chicks can also be used to care for baby geese and ducks, they do not require as much heat as baby chicks do. When geese and ducks are drinking, they usually create a mess, so you will need to prepare for this. You should be certain that your geese and ducks are drinking from a water basin that is firmly secured to the ground. This will prevent them from knocking it over. Whenever you feed geese and ducks, make sure they also have a good supply of water. Geese and ducks can be allowed to go outside earlier than chicks. Grass and weeds will be eaten by baby geese. As soon as you allow them to go outside, they will eat these things.
This is extremely important: Do not permit your baby ducks or geese to swim on any water. If they do not have their mother with them to teach them how to swim, they will probably drown. Water will be absorbed into the down in their feathers, pulling them under the water. Once they are two or three months old, you can allow them to swim in water. Ducks and geese can be raised together. You should not keep them in the same area as chickens, turkeys or other poultry. Since ducks and geese are messy when they drink, they can get your other birds wet, causing them to become sick and die.
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