Important Things to Know Before Buying Electric Bike

Motorbikes are not only popular, but they are also a necessary vehicle these days. Electric bikes are a popular and eco-friendly means of transportation. Electric bikes are very effective for short-distance travel and fuel saving. These bikes have become quite popular due to their easy operating system and ability to handle city traffic jams. These bikes are great for regular travel.
However, there are several things you need to be aware of before buying an electric bike. Consider the pros and cons of these bikes, maintenance, servicing, engine performance, battery durability, stability, etc. This will help you select the right e-bike according to your needs.
What is an Electric Bike
Electric bikes look like fuel-powered bikes. These bikes use electric motors for propulsion. So, electric charge is the main component of these bikes. Fuel is not required. These bikes can be controlled using a simple grip throttle. The speed of these bikes is a bit low. However, they can give an average mileage of 60-80 km. These bikes are gaining popularity mainly due to the increase in fuel prices and easy control.
Along with the benefits of electric bikes, there are also some weaknesses. So you should have an idea about the pros and cons of these bikes.
What is Important to Know Before Buying an Electric Bike
Check Battery Power and Charge Range
A high-quality battery is the main element of an electric bike. Find out how many amperes (Ah) or watts (Wh) the battery power is. A high-quality battery can travel more than 100 km on a single charge. A 250-watt bike is good for traveling short distances on flat roads. A 500-700-watt bike is suitable for off-road riding. 750+ watt bikes are suitable for riding on highway roads. Understand what kind of battery power you need for your daily use. Check how long it takes to fully charge the battery and how many months the warranty period is.
Check the Motor Power of the Bike
The motor power of an electric bike ranges from 250 watts to 1000 watts. If the motor is powerful, you can get more speed from the bike. Also, for overall good performance, it is better to buy an electric bike with a powerful motor. If the power is low, it will be difficult to ride on sloping roads.
Check the Suspension System
If the suspension system is not good, you will not get comfort while riding. Usually, the suspension of electric bikes is not suitable for riding on rough roads. Choose the suspension setup according to the condition of the roads and streets you are riding on. If it is a shock absorber suspension, it will be better in all aspects. Also, check the seating position and handle grip of the bike.
Understand the Weight and Control System of the Bike
The weight of electric bikes is usually less. However, if the battery and engine power are high, the weight is slightly more. Check if this weight is balanced for you. The weight of electric bikes is not balanced in all aspects like other fuel-powered bikes. These bikes can be controlled with the throttle system. So check if the throttle grip and throttle system are comfortable for you.
Check the Braking System
The braking system of electric bikes has a combination of disc and drum brakes. Standard bikes only have drum brakes, but you can upgrade to disc brakes. These bikes usually don’t have safety systems like anti-lock braking systems (ABS) or combined braking systems (CBS).
Check the Lighting System and Console Panel
These bikes use normal to standard quality lighting systems and indicators. You can install advanced-quality lighting systems if necessary. The console panel of these bikes does not have many features. However, you will find the necessary features here.
Check the Warranty, After-sales Service and Maintenance Cost
Check how many years the warranty period of the bike’s battery and motor is. These bikes require several servicing at regular intervals. So check the location of the servicing center and how the sales service is. The warranty of a typical e-bike is between 1-2 years.
Keep in Mind the Weak Points of Electric Bikes
(1) The price of electric bike batteries is the highest. If the battery is damaged or down, you will have to spend a lot.
(2) It is not possible to charge these bikes everywhere. Not all bikes have removable batteries. Think about these things.
(3) Average speed is between 50-70 km.
(4) If used regularly, the motor has to be changed after 2-3 years.
(5) The center of gravity of these bikes is towards the rear, so riding may not be comfortable.
(6) If you ride for a long time, the motor may get hot or break down.
(7) Authorized servicing points are not available.
(8) Not suitable for riding on highways.
Electric bike technology is constantly improving. The vehicles of the future will depend on electricity. Now high-quality electric bikes are being imported and assembled in Bangladesh as well. There is a demand for these bikes among people of all ages and all professions. Also, no license is required, and the maintenance cost is minimal.