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How to choose the best price for your car or motorbike ad on Bikroy?

At Bikroy, we often notice that many sellers are giving irrelevant prices while posting their ads for selling used cars or other vehicles. Due to this, the buyers do not show interest in these advertisements easily, resulting in decreasing sales rates to a large extent.

Most of the time sellers make these mistakes because they do not check the current market price of the product. Considering the problem, Bikroy has come up with a great and simple solution.

How to sell your vehicles online for the best price? strives to offer you the best price experience for your products as a seller. Based on the data we have come up with a solution that will notify the sellers against mispricing.

This new feature will let you know what the average price could be of the car or bike you’re about to sell. When advertising, you only need to mention the brand, model, and year of manufacture of the vehicle. Bikroy will suggest the best price of the product for you to avoid overpricing or underpricing. The price-based suggestions are mainly based on data from Bikroy for the last 12 months of sales of similar vehicle brands and models.

Price Suggestion feature for your product

Final Words

Now you don’t need to bustle around to find out the exact price of your vehicles. The price suggestion feature will make selling your car or motorcycle easier at the right price.

In the upcoming future, we will bring this feature to other products and services as well so that we can ensure the correct price of each product/service you sell.

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