Spotlight Promotion – A premium spot for your ad!, the Largest Marketplace in Bangladesh, is the safest way to sell goods or services. Most sellers are able to sell their products within a few days of posting an ad. A new promotion called ‘Spotlight’ is now integrated with the popular alternatives for sellers – Top Ad, Bump Up and Urgent, to increase the likelihood of buyer attraction among 2,00,000+ ads on Bikroy.
All promoted ads are currently placed on top of the regular ads or marked to differentiate from other ads. The Spotlight promotion is quite different – this is a premium spot that will not only place an ad on top of everything in that category but also display the ad’s image in a much larger size to attract visitors and interested buyers. The picture quality of the product or service is very important for Spotlight promotion.
Mobile View
Desktop View
The three benefits of Spotlight promotion are:
– The photos of the ad appear much bigger and clearer.
– Each advertisement in the Spotlight will be equally visible to the customer, which means if 5 images are used in one ad, a customer will be able to see all the pictures while browsing at different times.
– Other promotional tools such as Top Ad or Bump Up can also be used along with Spotlight. The use of more than one promotion is very effective for quick selling.
For Spotlight promotion, customers can choose any of the following price lists:
Price list
Members and private users can now sell their products with less promotion time. Additionally, interested buyers will also be able to find their expected product or service faster in this method, thus saving a lot of time. is committed to developing its system on a regular basis so that members and users can benefit consistently.
To know more click: Promotion