Livestock Market of Bangladesh 2019 | Infographic
![Livestock Market of Bangladesh 2019](
It only feels like yesterday that we celebrated Eid Ul Fitr, and now the time for preparing for Eid Ul Adha is fast approaching. However, places, where cows are sold under the open sky, grow more intolerable each year. Thus, people are increasingly turning to buy cows online. Here, we will analyze and evaluate some aspects of the trends in the livestock market in Bangladesh, based on Bikroy user data in 2019.
Listings by Location
The majority of listings for both cows and goats are being posted from Rajshahi according to our data. About 32% of the ads posted from this region. The capital Dhaka comes a close second with 24% of the ads. Sylhet is third with 20% and Chittagong is fourth with 11% followed by Khulna and Rangpur with 7% and 3% respectively.
Listing by Membership
Almost half of the livestock ads posted on Bikroy are posted by the members. 53% of ads are posted by the members and the remaining 43% of ads are posted by private users.
Listings by Price Range
About half of the of ads for cows on Bikroy has a price tag of under BDT 50,000. One of the reasons why most cows on Bikroy are affordable is that many ads are coming from households besides farm owners. A large number of livestock advertisements are posted between BDT 1 lac and 5 lac. There are also a number of livestock ads ranging between BDT 50,000 to 1 lac and between BDT 5 lac and 10 lac.
Listings by Inventory
More cows and goats are being listed and sold on Bikroy each year. In 2017, the number of livestock posted during Qurbani season was 5,420 of which 1,544 were sold. In 2018, the number of livestock posted during this season was 7,246 of which 2,293 were sold. This year, 9,331 livestock ads have been posted among which 2,889 have been sold so far. And these numbers continue to increase.
Listings by Animal Type
There are almost twice as many ads for cows on Bikroy as goats. According to the latest data, Birkoy has 63% cow and 37% of goats among all livestock advertisements, with the numbers rising each day.
Most Expensive Cow of 2019
This year, one of the biggest bulls of Bangladesh at present time named “Tiger” is enlisted on Bikroy website. The 42 maunds weighted bull is five feet and six inches high and nine feet tall. The asking price of the cow is TK. 30,00,000.
Like many aspects of our lives, buying cattle for Qurbani has become much easier for us today thanks to the internet. There are more than 3,000 cattle ads are live now on Bikroy. So take a look at today to find the best animal for this Qurbani.
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