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Now Get More Advanced Search Results on Bikroy!

You can now have more advanced, more specific search result on Once you input your keyword on the search box, our system will automatically identify whether it is a brand, category, model or item. If the “search term” cannot be identified with a category, brand, model or item at the first place, we will look for the link between the title and the description to present the most appropriate listings as an alternative. With the smooth running and improved system, bid adieu to the hassle of browsing through inappropriate options that used to eat up your precious time.

We always try to offer you the best experience. “Search” option now has been optimized to provide relevant search results based on the search keyword you input. The system will no longer turn to you empty handed or with inappropriate results.

Our search system accepts both English, Bangla, and now Banglish as well. Previously while searched a product or service in Bangladesh (Ex: Gari instead of Car or গাড়ি), it showed no results. Now it will show your desired results just like you would obtain in English.


Once you enter into the “Vehicles” category, you can search by Gari/Car/গাড়ি and still it will show the same result. You can also search the cars by the brand name and the brand models.

Keyword: “gari”

keyword gari

Keyword: “Car”

keyword car


“Mobile” category has several sub-categories such as mobile phone, mobile phone accessories, sim card, mobile phone service etc. If you type mobile/mobile phone/মোবাইল, your desired search result will be showed. Under “Mobile phone” category, you can search by the brand name and the brand model as well.

Category: “Mobile”

keyword mobile

Brand Filter:

mobile brand filter

Model Filter:

mobile model filter


“Electronics” category offers different sub-categories such as laptop & computers, Laptop & Computer Accessories,TVs, Tablets & Accessories, TV & Video Accessories etc. You can have a more narrowed down search by selecting the type of device, you can also select the brand and have a more specific search.

Keyword: “Laptop”

keyword laptop


Keyword: “Laptops”

keyword laptops


Keyword: “ল্যাপটপ”



In the “Jobs” category, you can simply search by the job or the business function such as Management, Hospitality, Marketing & Sales etc.

jobs catagory

Keyword: “Customer Care”

keyword customer care


Search Algorithm

Now our search algorithm is more advanced. You can simply input the desired product’s brand model or the release year on the search bar and the result will show exactly what you want.

search algo update


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