5 Popular Motorbike Models in Bangladesh

One of the most affordable and efficient methods of transportation in Bangladesh is a motorbike. People who can not afford the price of a car can buy a motorbike and still get to their destination in the same amount of time that it would take them to get there in a car. A motorbike also allows the rider to ride between lanes of cars. This ability to ride where cars are unable to go make motorbikes a desirable and fast way to get around a congested city environment that contains a lot of traffic. While used motorbikes have been commonly sold in Bangladesh for many years, there are certain models that people prefer the most. These particular models have gained a tremendous amount of popularity throughout the country due in large part to their dependability, low maintenance requirements and the fact they have a high fuel efficiency. Let’s take a look at 5 models of motorbikes that people in Bangladesh love to use:
1. Singer SM 100
Price: 65,000 BDT
Maximum torque: 6.2 Nm / 7,500 rpm
Maximum power: 7.4 BHP / 8,500 rpm
Engine: 100cc
The primary reason the Singer SM 100 is among the most popular motorbikes in Bangladesh is because of its very low price. The fact that you can buy one for only 65,000 BHT makes this bike affordable for almost anyone. This bike uses an electrical starter system. This bike has proven to be extremely reliable for those people who own one. The important thing is to keep up with the required maintenance schedule. While it is critical to properly maintain any motorbike, it is especially important to do so with a bike such as the Singer SM 100. This is because less expensive bikes such as this one do not use parts that are of the highest quality like the more expensive bikes. The parts in this bike will last a long time, but only if you take care of them in the proper manner. You will certainly not be able to complain about the fuel efficiency that this bike is capable of. Overall, this is a good motorbike to use for errands or to travel to work or school. It is not suitable for any type of street racing. Its engine was not built for this activity and it is not powerful enough.
2. Walton Fusion EX
Price: 116,000 BDT
Maximum torque: 8.9 Nm / 7,500 rpm
Maximum power: 12 BHP / 7,500 rpm
Engine: 125cc
This does not look like many of the Walton motorbikes for sale in Bangladesh. Walton has a reputation of making bikes with a very striking appearance and solid performance. The Fusion EX is equipped with the identical engine as the regular version of the Fusion. It also has the similar amount of performance and power. However, Walton made some major changes to the appearance of the Fusion EX, making this bike look much better than the previous version of the Fusion. The speedometer is digital. It also contains a very large gas tank, making this bike ideal for long road trips. Since many of the roads you will be riding on in Bangladesh are rough and a bit bumpy, it is important to find a bike that has a solid suspension system. The Fusion Ex has a suspension system that is capable of handling the roughest roads, allowing you to glide over them with no problem at all.
3. Lifan KP 150
Price: 155,000 BDT
Maximum torque: 13.3 Nm / 5,500 rpm
Maximum power: 13.2 BHP / 7,500 rpm
Engine: 150cc
The Lifan KP 150 is one of those bikes that does not look very impressive until you ride it. Owners of this bike are constantly praising its smooth handling and its ability to make sharp turns effortlessly. It has a sporty appearance which many people like these days. It is equally suited for racing and basic city riding. Because the bike is so versatile, many people have become interested in owning one. Sales of the Lifan KP 150 have increased a lot recently. One of the best features of this bike is the standard rear disc brake, which many of the other bikes on the market do not come with as a standard feature. The fuel efficiency is definitely acceptable, especially for a bike with this amount of power. The suspension and braking are top notch and everything you would expect them to be on a bike of this quality. Use of a key for entry may be a bit complicated for some people, bit it is an excellent way to prevent the bike from being stolen.
4. Runner Bullet
Price: 98,000 BDT
Maximum torque: 7.6 Nm / 5,500 rpm
Maximum power: 7.1 BHP / 8,000 rpm
Engine: 100cc
This is a bike that is ideal for cruising around at a reasonable speed and for doing simple tasks. However, if you are looking for a high performance bike that you can use for racing and impressing your friends, this is not the bike you should buy. The Runner Bullet comes with a REV counter, engine kill switch, electrical switches and a disc brake in the front. The fuel tank is large enough to hold a considerable amount of fuel, so you can do a lot of riding without the need to get more fuel. The only problem that some riders point out is this bike’s lack of low end torque.
5. Runner Turbo
Price: 134,000 BDT
Maximum torque: 11.6 Nm / 5,500 rpm
Maximum power: 11.3 BHP / 7,000 rpm
Engine: 150cc
The strength of this bike is its ability to go around corners very easily. Even corners that are extremely sharp are no problem at all for this bike. As for the fuel efficiency of the Runner Turbo, it is above average when you compare it to other 150cc bikes. Some riders complain that the suspension is slightly softer than what they are used to. However, this can be adjusted if necessary. One of the biggest benefits of buying this bike is the three year warranty included by Runner.
If you are planning to buy a motorbike then visit Bikroy.com to find thousands of new and used motorbikes.