Mobile Phones and Tiredness: A Growing Problem for Drivers

Driving cars in Bangladesh is a big responsibility that should not be taken lightly. Although most people do not think about it, driving is a dangerous activity if the right precautions are not taken.
Unfortunately, there are still far too many vehicular fatalities that could be prevented if people took the act of driving more seriously than they do. Much of driving safety comes down to basic common sense.
Well, here we will disclose the dangers people might face while driving cars in Bangladesh and how to get rid of these.
The Dangers of Using Mobile Phone While Driving a Car
For many years, drunk-driving was one of the biggest causes of driving accidents, injuries, and fatalities. However, the invention of mobile phones has created a new danger on the roads.
Now many people are talking on their mobile phones while they are driving cars, vans, and other motor vehicles. This lack of concentration often leads to tragic consequences.
The problem of people using their phones while they drive has become a worldwide epidemic, with many countries around the world reporting large amounts of accidents, injuries, and fatalities that are directly related to a driver using a phone while driving.
The problem has become so bad that the governments of many countries have made it illegal to hold a phone in your hand while you are driving. However, using a hands-free device to talk on the phone is legal because the person can use both hands to hold the steering wheel. Even if you are tackling heavy traffic, it’s not okay to talk over your phone in many cases.
Texting While Driving is a Deadly Decision
Talking on mobile phones while driving is dangerous, but it still allows the driver to keep their eyes on the road. However, there has been a large increase in accidents caused by drivers who were sending text messages while they were driving.
Obviously, in order for a person to send a text message, they must actually take their eyes off the road for short periods of time so they can type the message.
This period of time when the driver is not looking where the vehicle is going has caused thousands of people around the world to needlessly lose their lives.
If a vehicle is traveling at a high rate of speed, it can travel a long distance in only a few seconds. This is enough time for another vehicle or pedestrians on bikes to go in front of the car without the driver noticing it.
In an attempt to stop people from texting while driving, governments around the world have launched advertising campaigns to warn people about the dangers of this activity.
Many celebrities have volunteered their services for this worthy cause by offering to appear in television public service announcements that tell people to avoid texting while driving.
Tiredness While Driving
Although using a phone while driving is a danger that the media talks about very often, there is another danger that does not receive nearly as much publicity.
This danger involves people who are too tired and decide to drive a vehicle anyway. Sleep deprivation, also known as tiredness, is a huge problem because many people have busy lives that do not allow them to get their required amount of sleep.
People who work full-time and have children are often tired. However, when they decide to get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle, their tiredness can cause other people or themselves to be killed in a car accident.
Tiredness is a problem frequently seen in people such as truck drivers who need to drive for many hours in a row without resting. Truck drivers are under pressure to deliver their cargo to a certain destination by a certain time.
Therefore, they do not have the luxury of stopping and resting. At some point, a person’s body will shut down if it needs sleep badly enough. If this happens when a truck driver is on the road, his truck could cause a massive amount of destruction and maybe some deaths.
How can these things be avoided?
As mentioned earlier, many tragedies on the roads of Bangladesh can be avoided simply by using common sense. If you feel that you are too tired to drive your vehicle in a safe capacity, ask a friend or family member to drive you to your destination.
This is a decision that could literally save your life and the lives of other people. If you do not have a friend or relative who can do the driving for you, call a taxi. You may also want to get some rest and delay your trip until a later time.
Likewise, there is no need for you to send text messages while you are driving. There is no message so important that you can not wait until you reach your destination to send it.
If you do need to communicate with people while you are driving, you should buy a hands-free device that you can connect to your phone. There are many of these devices to choose from at various prices.
A hands-free device will allow you to make and receive phone calls by using voice commands. You will be able to keep both hands on the steering wheel at all times. This will ensure you always have complete control of the vehicle.
However, If you are planning to buy a second-hand car, you need to go through some facts. Cause it could have some issues and before you make your ride, we just want you to be aware.
Final Words
While most of the drivers in our country don’t know about the usage of a hands-free device, so it’s equally dangerous for them to use these devices while driving.
In fact, an investigation says that using hand-held devices while driving is more dangerous than drunk driving! So, we hope that you will keep in mind all the aspects and solutions we have discussed today.
So, if you have to be on the road regularly with your car, then protect yourself and your loved ones by following the rules.
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