2018 at a Glance

A good company culture encourages employees to deliver higher and better results. Employees aim to look for meaningful work, industry, job-role and company that compliments their values, lifestyle and strengths. It is important to ensure that the company is able to provide an open and connected environment for their employees through policies, engagements and events. is the largest marketplace in Bangladesh. Since 2012, started its journey in Bangladesh market, using technology to create a better & more sustainable form of commerce.
At, we have always considered ensuring a good company culture for our 200+ employees which keeps them motivated. Looking back at 2018, we have compiled some of our events with our employees since we introduced on the LinkedIn platform.
Engaging Environment: has always aimed to create a friendly and fun work culture, making work less pressure for the employees. As part of our casual work environment, we always try to follow the tradition of arranging different events to bring all our colleagues together and celebrate small and big joys.
New Year, 2018 celebrated New Year with joy and fun by cutting the cake and greeting each other. The celebration included different types of games and activities. Employees truly enjoyed the event and loved the activities held during the celebration.
Team Building Activity, 2018:
We started the year with an effective team building day out with the managers and supervisors of, at The Base Camp in Gazipur. After hectic work schedules, we planned to have our management meeting at a refreshing environment.
Bikroy Picnic 2018:
We understand that after months or hard work, everyone needs a day to relax and have fun with their colleagues. Bikroy Picnics are a perfect way to get our team outside and remind them what it is that makes our company special.
We love to enjoy all occasions together, and we try to ensure everyone participates and enjoys these events as a family.
Women’s Day, 2018
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, celebrated the spirit of Womanhood with a theatrical performance in its office premises directed by Ms. Tasaffy Hossain and performed by her group ”বহ্নিশিখা Bonhishikha – unlearn gender” portraying the challenges women face every day in their workplaces as they still move ahead undaunted, undefeated.
Boishakh 2018
On April 2018, Bikroy family celebrated Pohela Boishakh (The beginning of Bangla New Year) 1425 with a festive mood and much fervor.
Bikroy’s 6th Birthday:
On Bikroy’s 6th Birthday, we were graciously joined by the well known Tawsif Mahbub, who spent several hours with us at Head Office.
Bikroy Live with Tawsif Mahbub!Bikroy এর ৬ষ্ঠ প্রতিষ্ঠা বার্ষিকী উপলক্ষে এ সময়ের অন্যতম জনপ্রিয় তারকা তৌসিফ মাহবুব এসেছে Bikroy-এ। আর তাকে সাথে নিয়েই প্রথম বারের মত LIVE আসছি আমরা :)Join us with Tawsif Mahbub! #6YearsofBikroy
Posted by on Tuesday, June 26, 2018
FIFA World Cup 2018:
At we love to share our moments of wins and losses together. Last year, we arranged our team members to enjoy the FIFA World Cup matches live from our office, filling our premises with loud and enthusiastic cheers!
Half Yearly Team Event, 2018:
We arrange and enjoy a team event every 6 months, sharing individual, team and organizational performance and planning for the next step. We believe such events boost morale and create an energetic workplace.
Friendship Day, 2018:
Friends can be found at the workplace as well, and we celebrate Friendship Day with our colleagues and friends. One of our most followed work cultures is to promote a friendly environment with all employees and this was the perfect occasion to celebrate.
48th Victory day
Victory Day is a very important and significant day for us. We will never stop thanking the heroes for their courage to fight for peace risking and sacrificing their lives so that we have the clear sky above our heads. In Bikroy, we celebrated 48th Victory day with laughter and joy. We invited Shawan Mahmud daughter of renowned musician Altaf Mahmud.
Monthly Birthday Celebrations:
We love recognizing employees, so we make a big deal out of birthdays. We love to make our employees feel special on their birthdays. We do different kinds of activities to make their birthday month special and make them feel that we care. We wish our employees to have a great year filled with happiness and success.
Women Empowerment:
Nurturing our female employees:
At, we aim to invest on female empowerment to provide a workplace that generates equal opportunities, equal pay and the opportunity to leverage skills. We help to improve the efficiency of our female employees while also advancing women’s rights and health. We believe investing in women empowerment also inspire other companies to make similar investments in women’s empowerment and also promotes knowledge sharing between corporations. And also, it helps inspire women across the world to recognize their own needs, power and potential.
Bikroy HeForShe:
In 2nd August 2015, committed with UN Women and joined HeForShe movement to promote gender equality. The two vital points that follows with UN Women are gender balance ratio which should be 60:40 & secure female work environment. HeForShe is a united movement for gender equality initiated by UN Women.
Gender Balance: believes in Gender Balance as we want our female employees to develop in their career without any gender gap and be economically empowered which will help to create a happier work environment. We truly believe that with satisfied female employees, our business will flourish. We encourage in closing the gender gap, to challenge the unfavorable norms that are obstacles to women’s economic empowerment.
There is no place for Sexual Harassment:
In we believe in a secured female work environment so in each quarter we celebrate an event called “Moner Janala” where female mentor gives a regular reminder that if any female employee faces any kind of sexual harassment at work, they are welcome to share their problems. In we promote women’s rights and empowerment which are valuable to us.
For Moner Janala, in quarter 2 we invited renowned journalist and chief news editor for television channels- Shahnaz Munni graced the event of ‘Moner Janala’ arranged for the Female Employees of held on June 24, 2018. She shared, “ Sometimes we cannot speak our heart out in this society. But I’m really glad to see that has provided an opportunity for their female employees so that they can speak their heart out.” She mentioned about the workplace, “We face a lot of ups and downs in our workplace but still we have to continue our life by struggling with it”.
In quarter 3, we invited well-known public figures such as Elita Karim who is a renowned Singer & Journalist of The Daily Star for Moner Janala. She shared her obstacles that she had to go through to become successful in this competitive market. She also added, “The life of a working woman is extremely challenging. The good news is that we women have gladly accepted the challenge. The herculean task of maintaining home and handling a job at the same time tends to be tiring. In order to take a breather and keep going forward with enthusiasm, we all need an open window. I want to congratulate for arranging such an amazing platform.”
We have also invited successful corporate personality, entrepreneur, consultant, adviser and charismatic leader Rubaba Dowla at quarter 4. She shared her experience of what kind of difficulties she had to go through to grow a career in sales as a female. She motivated female employees who work in sales and provided career tips for the development of a career in sales. She also added, “A woman has to deal with the challenges of her professional, personal and family life all at the same time. These challenges often exhaust women. Many don’t have the outlet to let the frustration out. I want to thank for coming up with such a wonderful platform where everyone can share their issues openly.”We believe, this type of session foster positive working relationships.
"মনের জানালা" by Bikroyস্বনামধন্য কর্পোরেট ব্যক্তিত্ব এবং উদ্যোক্তা রুবাবা দৌলা এলেন Bikroy এর "মনের জানালা" অনুষ্ঠানের প্রধান অতিথি হয়ে। সফল ক্যারিয়ার ও উদ্যোক্তা জীবনের চ্যালেঞ্জ ও টিপস গুলো জানতে সাথেই থাকুন 🙂
Posted by on Thursday, November 15, 2018
Bikroy healthy women:
We are committed to provide a safe and secure workplace for our female employees so that they can enjoy healthy and fit lives at work and home. We believe that in a fast-moving world, female employees well-being and health are critical for the development and personal growth of the individual, as well as our company’s growth.
In 25th October 2018, we organized a session called “Female Hygiene Awareness” where we invited Dr. Raiatun Tehrin, Professional health advisor & public health specialist of Ziska Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Throughout this interactive session, she highlighted and discussed various aspects of women’s health. The session was well appreciated by the female employees and got a huge response.
We love to support our employees to be the best they can be. We believe to promote, maintain and enhance their health so they can maximize their fitness.
Bikroy support for expectant mothers:
Creating a work-life balance is hard, whatever your situation. If motherhood is added, attaining that balance can get even more challenging. This is very true for new mothers as most of the female at this stage of their life gets it very hard to combine a successful career with caring responsibilities. At Bikroy, we help guide employees and line managers to ensure there’s a positive transition into parenthood. All employees get 16 weeks’ paid maternity leave. In 2018, at 5 female employees enjoyed their maternity benefits. Our improved maternity standard focuses to help these returning mothers as they physically recover their health.
Together we share, learn & grow:
At, we aim to develop our employee workforces through fun learning sessions, ensuring that leaders are more effective in leading change and that employees have opportunities to expand their skills. We love to invest in our employees to empower and develop a highly-capable workforce that provides the best result.
We believe employees offering more ways to take advantage of development opportunities, more room to succeed and grow, numerous directions in which to pursue a career, made by them.
We believe in targets and performance. We encourage transparent and honest conversation culture through regular feedbacks. It helps us with continuous development, focusing on the important matter which is supported by coaching & recognition.
We provide professional coaching through external and internal trainers. The 70-20-10 Model for Learning and Development is used as a successful learning method by managers. 70% of learning takes place through experience, for example, work shadowing; 20% of learning happens through relationships and 10% comes through education.
Sales Training
In 2018, Bikroy had the immense pleasure to have Kazi Zaman, the Country Head of Hemas Holdings PLC, for the Sales Training 2018. Throughout this session, he enlightened the sales team with different methods and techniques for better customer engagement.
Mr. Zaman has seventeen years of experience in various Sales and Trade Marketing roles in Bangladesh and outside. He is an extraordinary and inspirational role model in the sales sector.
Internal Training programs: arranged daylong Google Sheet training for our employees on 27th October & 21 December, 2018 for all back office employees including our field sales & after sales teams. Total 59 Employees participated in the program with a 91% satisfaction rate.
Our 2-days Orientation Program aims to ensure that our new employees know the company’s history, organizational structure, job content, performance and safety standards, working conditions, promotional opportunities, creating the feeling of belonging and familiarizing the new employee with the jobs and the job environment.
Investing in youth:
At, we are always hunting for the right talent, that will help our organization grow. In order to source the right candidates, we have collaborated with top educational institutions in Bangladesh and participated in their career fairs & seminars.
Some of the most important events for 2018 were:
IUB Job Fair, 2018: participated in the IUB Job Fair, 2018, where we briefed the interested students about the different vacancies at The students’ enthusiastic participation was very encouraging.
“The Game Changer” program:’s first ever Inter-University competition for Undergraduate Business Students was held at Jahangirnagar University, under the banner of “The Game Changer” which received a huge response from the audience. Over a numerous number of interested groups, consisting of 3 members each, The Game Changer, Case solving competition was carried out for over a month, where they presented solutions to their case in front of Bikroy Management members.
With ‘Inviting creative minds to showcase your innovative ideas’ tagline, this month-long competition was started with the students of IBA and FBS. Total 7 teams participated in this competition and 4 teams reached to the grand finale. Participants were able to acquire practical knowledge about e-commerce business through this competition. The First prize winner team won BDT 30,000 and the Second prize winner team won BDT 20,000.
The First prize winner team, named G.O.A.T was comprised of Sheikh Abdullah Bin Alam and Zareen Nowreen Sharif who are second-year students of JU. The second prize winner team, named TARZAN was comprised of Abdullah Al Mashruk Anim, Saad Shah Ali and Ashfak Zaman who are the students of the first year; came in runner-up in the competition. Dr. Sheikh Mohammed Rafiul Huque, Associate Professor (IBA–JU); Chowdhury Golam kibria, Associate Professor of (IBA–JU); Eshita Sharmin, Director of Marketing and Ad Sales of Bikroy; Isa Abrar Ahmed, Head of Vehicles & Property; Rehenuma Islam, Head of HR and Yeasin Arafat, Head of Jobs of Bikroy were present at the Grand Finale ceremony.
Dhaka University Career Fest 2018: also participated in the Dhaka University Career Fest 2018 in Mid October 2018, sharing career tips and job opportunities to the enthusiastic, fresh and soon-to-be-graduates.
NUB Job Fair, 2018:
As part of our continuing efforts to help develop the upcoming generation of workforce, participated in a CV Writing session followed by On-Campus recruitment for students of Northern University, Bangladesh (NUB)
Creating a winning culture:
At, we believe in rewarding our employees for their hard work. We have monthly & half-yearly Employee rewards, such as “Employee/ Team of the Month”, “Half Yearly Awards” & “Annual Value Awards”. Recognition plays a major role in attracting and retaining talent within the organization and builds a healthy competition for higher results. Some glimpses of such rewards are shown below:
Employee/ Team of the Month:
One of the major recognition programs that we follow at Bikroy is rewarding employees and teams on their monthly target achievements. The best performing employees & teams are recognized for their hard work and achievement.
Half Yearly Awards
These are half-yearly recognition for employees & teams who have performed their best and achieved targets
Value Awards:
Each Year, Saltside Technologies Ltd, offers a special “Value Awards” series for the employees of all Saltside Offices. These people are selected based on who best represents one of our 05 Saltside values, from any of our offices ( is one of the subsidiaries of Saltside Technologies Ltd.) and departments. At, we believe that employees who follow the organizational values and culture contribute to the development of the organization. 2018’s Value Award winners were:
Our Achievements
One of the biggest achievements for us in 2018 was when won the Bangladesh Best Employer Brand Awards 2018 presented by 13th Employer Branding Awards in the Internet category & the Brand Leadership Award at the CMO Asia Presents Bangladesh Master Awards 2018 as recognition of outstanding branding, leadership and critical contribution to the internet sector.
Bangladesh Best Employer Brand Awards, recognizing organizations across the Industries, is the premier Employer Branding award program in Bangladesh.
Rehenuma Islam, Head of HR and Culture and Md. Farhan Ahmed, Head of Finance and Administration were present at the award giving ceremony and received the awards on behalf of