at a Glance 2019

There is nothing better than working in a company with a great company culture. Having a positive work culture reflects positively on employee retention and financial goals of any company. It is important to ensure that the company is able to provide an impressive work environment for their employees through policies, engagements and events. is the largest marketplace in Bangladesh. Since 2012, started its journey in Bangladesh market, using technology to create a better & more sustainable form of commerce.
At, we have always considered ensuring a good company culture for our 200+ employees which keeps them motivated. Looking back at 2019, we have compiled some of our events with our employees since we introduced on the LinkedIn platform.
Engaging Environment: believes to create a friendly and fun loving work environment for the employees which will ultimately reduces the stress level of the employees. As part of our casual work environment, we always try to follow the tradition of arranging different events to bring all our colleagues together and celebrate small and big joys.
- New Year Celebration 2019
Bikroy family welcomes New year on the first day of 2019 with good wishes, delicious food, and laughter!
- International Mother Language Day, 2019
International Mother Language Day is a great pride of Bangladesh. The 21st February is so memorable day for us. This is recognition of the sacrifices of the martyrs for establishing the rightful place of Bangla. Every year, Bikroy family celebrates the International Mother Language Day and remembers this day with solemnity and pay them profound tribute. On this event, we had Renowned Shaon Mahmud with us to make the event more memorable.
- Bikroy Picnic, 2019
Happy faces of the Bikroy employees from all across Bangladesh in the Annual Picnic 2019. A memorable day for Bikroy family, we relaxed and celebrated our hard work and achievements as well.
- Women’s Day Celebration:
We celebrated Women’s day at Bikroy office but this time we did it in a different way. Our theme was #SheforHe. We wanted to break the taboo about a male’s responsibilities over a female in the family through our support and appreciation towards our male colleagues that gender can not define your boundary for your responsibilities. Ms. Farin Daulah, Managing Director of Yellow Brick Road, (YBR) Bangaldesh graced the event with a wonderful session on understanding the GENDER EQUALITY & SEXUAL HARASSMENT. We did lots of activities there to have the understanding the key points in more practical ways.
- Pohela Boishakh, 2019:
We have welcomed the bangla new year with a colourful celebration of pohela boishakh at our office. The whole office was decorated and was in a festive mood. We did lots of fun activities and had yummy foods as well.
- Bikroy Adda:
Beginning of every month we are arranging a morning breakfast session called “Bikroy adda” which is a platform to the young professionals where the employees can get a wonderful opportunity to learn from the leaders. Our department heads share their knowledge & help the employees to get the practical experience of their work life.
- 5 Years of Bonding Celebration:
We value & appreciate those employees who always give their best to grow with us for a long time. We acknowledged the wonderful employees who have successfully completed 5 years of journey with It’s time to celebrate the bonds made!
- Bikroy’s 7th Birthday:
7 years of memories & awesome team with extraordinary performance! It was Bikroy’s 7th Birthday and the celebration took place on Monday, 24th June 2019 with lots of interesting employee engagement activities which proved to be a fantastic team building exercise. Our hike just doesn’t end here, we will continue to focus on high summits.
- Tutti Frutti party: welcomed the Summer, adorned with colorful fruits, indulging in soothing fresh juice.The employees had fun and had happily celebrated the summer fruit party at the Head Office of Bikroy.
- Half Yearly Team Event, 2019:
We arrange and enjoy a team event every 6 months, sharing individual, team and organizational performance and planning for the next step. But this year’s H1 Event was very special as we achieved our break-even. Exciting moments from the half-yearly event of as we celebrated the company reaching break-even. Global CEO and Acting Managing Director of was present on this auspicious occasion and he thanked all the customers and well-wishers of Bikroy.
- Anger Management session:
Anger & stress both come with the work pressure. To lead a healthy corporate & personal life, we need to manage our anger & depression. Bikroy arranged a learning session on how to manage anger. Happy face after Anger Management Session for Bikroy Employee. Dr. Fatima Maria Khan graced the event with her wonderful session and exercises on managing this killing stress.
- Monthly Birthday Celebration:
Our employees are our family. We love to make our employees feel very special on their birthdays. We do different kinds of activities to make their birthday month special and make them feel that value their special days.
Games Video:
- Bikroy Iftar party:
- International Men’s Day
The aim of International Men’s Day is to celebrate positive male role models and to raise awareness of men’s issues. has celebrated ‘International Men’s Day’ on 19th November, 2019 to thank all the male employees for their support and contributions towards Bikroy’s successful journey.
- 49th Victory Day Celebration, 2019
Victory Day is a very important and significant day for us. We celebrate Victory Day paying deep homage to the martyrs who laid down their lives for our freedom & right to live in an independent country. has celebrated “Victory Day” on 17th December,2019. We celebrated this day by singing The National Anthem & other Bangladeshi Patriotic songs.
Women Empowerment:
- Moner Janala
In we believe in women empowerment & we practice the work life balance for them. To share the experiences of the employees, we celebrate an event called “Moner Janala” where female mentor shares her success story to inspire the employees.
For Moner Janala, in quarter 3, Successful corporate personality and the Country Director and CEO of KITC Limited Zara Mahbub graced the event of ‘Moner Janala’ arranged for Female Employees of, held on September 25, 2019.
Being a bright example of women empowerment and a glaring inspiration to the society’s female counterparts she cared to narrate the story of her success and inspired the girls to stride along with their career and chase their ambitions with confidence and dignity., also arranged Moner Janala session, in quarter 2 on June 16, 2019 in collaboration with Mr. Zubayer Zakir Khan & Zarin Zeba Khan. The focus of the session was “Stress Management at workplace”. The employees enjoyed the session and learnt new methods of handling stress both at work & home.
This activity based session was very interesting & filled with enthusiasm. This session help our employees to release our day to day work-life stress. Total 56 female employees & 11 male selected employees attend the session. The session included different types of stress management activities & meditation., also arranged “Moner Janala” session for Q4 for our employees on December, 19, 2019 in collaboration with “Sanjana Farid, successful corporate personality and the Country Head of BRAC SAAJAN EXCHANGE LIMITED. The focus of the session was “Excelling in career and bringing values to the community”. The Session was highly interactive and employees deemed the session as a very effective one for their career journey.
This activity based session was very interesting & filled with enthusiasm. This session help our employees to release our day to day work-life stress. Total 56 female employees & 11 male selected employees attend the session. The session included different types of stress management activities & meditation.
Together we share, learn & grow:
At, we aim to develop our employee workforces through fun learning sessions, ensuring that leaders are more effective in leading change and that employees have opportunities to expand their skills. We love to invest in our employees to empower and develop a highly-capable workforce that provides best result.
We believe in targets and performance. We encourage transparent and honest conversation culture through regular feed-backs. It helps us with continuous development, focusing on important matter which is supported by coaching & recognition.
- Ad Sales Training
Snap of the participants during the In-house Sales Training Program – Q1 by Bikroy, on “Digital Advertising & Global Marketing Strategies”. The training was held on February 20, 2019. We thank all the participants and the trainer Mr. Sanjoy Biswas for the successful training session.
- Telesales Training
Glimpses of the participants of the Telesales Training Program – Q1 by Bikroy, on “How to boost sales volume and approach the customers properly”. The training was held on February 15, 2019 at the premise of Digicon Technologies Limited. We thank all the participants and the trainer Mr. Jibaneswar Tripura for the successful session of training.
- Bikroy Membership Training
To keep our employees updated on business process we arranged inhouse training with our internal key resource person to share the knowledge and information on “Bikroy Membership”. We always make sure that “learning” is the only key to grow and to get the success in career.
- Design Training
To educate on basic knowledge level of designing, we had organized “Basic Design Training for Banner Ads” by our internal key resource people. We had a great session, all thanks to the participants and the trainer for the successful training session. Happy learning!
- Sales Mastery Training
We believe in creating our own sales people. In 2019, Bikroy invited DON SAMDANY and he enlightened the sales team with different methods and techniques. It was 2 days training which improved the performance of the employees. We had a great learning.
- Leadership Training
Each organization continuously looks for future leaders, who will lead the department, team efficiently in the future. So it’s important to train and nurture those future leaders by providing them with progressive leadership training.
Bikroy had the immense pleasure to have Ghulam Sumdany Don, for the Leadership Training 2019. Throughout this session, he enlightened bikroy employees with different methods and techniques to be a better leader and person.
Investing in youth:
At, we are always hunting for the right talent, that will help our organization grow. In order to source the right candidates, we have collaborated with top educational institutions in Bangladesh and participated in their career fairs & seminars.
Some of the most important events for 2019 were:
- NUB Job Fair, 2019: participated in the NUB Job Fair, 2019, where we briefed the interested students about the different vacancies at The students’ enthusiastic participation was very encouraging.
- IUB Job Fair 2019
HR team spent an exciting day at the Independent University-Bangladesh campus, participating at the IUB Job Fair’19. We are thankful to all the bright and enthusiastic students and teachers for the great event, talking to them about various vacancies and helping them choose their career path.
- BRAC University National Career Fair 2019
Bikroy Team spent an exciting day at the BRAC University National Career Fair 2019! Students & job holders both participated in the event. We shared vacancies information as well as we shared tips & tricks to the students about how to enter into the corporate world.
- AIUB Job Fair 2019 also participated in the AIUB Job Fair 2019, sharing career tips and job opportunities to the enthusiastic, fresh and soon-to-be-graduates.
- Workshop on “Presentation & Leadership Skill” at BRAC University
Session on “Presentation & Leadership Skill” was arranged by with a collaboration of Brac University Professional Skills Development Program (PSDP). Guest Speaker was our Head of HR & Culture, Rehenuma Islam. The aim for the session was to give a guidance on how to present oneself in the corporate world and show their leadership skill. A great participation & interaction were there during the whole session. Around 80 students participated the session who are going to be graduated within few months.
- IUB Internship Mock Interview
Bikroy’s HR Team participated in a Workshop named Internship – Mock Interview Session, arranged by Independent University of Bangladesh (IUB), School of Business department at their campus on September 01, 2019. We received great response from the students. We took spot interviews & hired interns for and also provided feedback to the students for their career development.
- BUP Career & Education Fest 2019: participated at the BUP Career & Education Fest 2019 on 1- 3 October 2019. We found extreme enthusiasm and great response among the students and faculty members. We shared career tips with the upcoming graduates & shared our ongoing openings with them.
- CV Writing & Career Session with Bikroy participated in a Career Session named “CV Writing & Career Session with Bikroy”, arranged by IUBAT at their campus on November 20, 2019. Ms. Rehenuma Islam, Head of HR, took the session to share her ideas with the students. There were 120 students who were going to graduate. It was really an interactive session & we got a huge response from them regarding the career building ideas.
- NSU National Career Fair 2019 HR Team participated in the North South University National Career fair 2019 to find potential talents for our organization. We got a huge response from the fresh graduates & also other job seekers at the Career Fair who showed their interest to work with us, the country’s largest online marketplace.
Creating a winning culture:
At, we believe in rewarding our employees for their hard work. We have monthly & half-yearly Employee rewards, such as “Employee/ Team of the Month”, “Half Yearly Awards” & “Annual Value Awards”. It plays a major role in attracting and retaining talent within the organization. Some glimpses of such rewards are shown below:
- Employee/ Team of the Month:
This is the most awaited event for the employees. Bikroy rewards the employees and teams on their monthly target achievements. The best performing employees & teams are recognised for their hard work and achievement.
Half Yearly Awards
Congratulations to Team & Employees for winning H1, 2019 Award.
Employee Testimonial
Employees Shares their feelings about Bikroy and its work environment,