Post ads using the right ways, sell fast!

In order to post an advertisement on, we have some rules that will help you to attract the most customer or customer’s attention in the shortest possible time.
We do not accept additional text in the first image of any advertisement. Except the first picture, you can upload text with the second/third/fourth or fifth image.

However, it is allowed to use up to 20% text in the first image. This rule applies only for the following information:
- Product Codes
- Logo / Company Name
- Packaging Text
- Hoardings / Billboard Text in Image
- Product Name
In above-listed edge cases, we will allow members to have some text as long as they don’t dominate the image, in such scenarios please make sure the text is not more than 20% of the image proportion.

- Always use a smaller font size and fewer words to lower the proportion of text to image
- This rule only apply for the first image, so you are free to post images with text in second/third/fourth or fifth Image of the ad
- Avoid using more than two symbols, emoji or emoticon (@, ৳, $, ) in the ad title
To know more, contact your Bikroy representative or call 09609555444 or email at [email protected]. Post ad on the largest online marketplace in Bangladesh and sell fast anything you want!