5 Educational Apps to Help You Study Better

Education is the backbone of a species but you probably knew that already. With the exam season around, many students are crunching in the last moment to get the most they can out of their brains. This list has a few educational apps for students which are not only designed to help you learn but to learn effectively. Some apps on the list are not directly related to education but are important to the core philosophy of learning.
1. Brain Focus Productivity Timer
Brain Focus Productivity Timer is an app that is excellent for all the procrastinators out there. The premise of the app is actually quite simple. The app uses the “Pomodoro” concept combined with very basic task-keeping tools to make sure you get your work done. Ideally, you would separate your tasks such as studying and household chores into short bursts of productivity. For instance, you work 20 minutes uninterrupted and achieve certain tasks within that time. When you succeed, you reward yourself with a 10-minute break and carry on the cycle.
Download Brain Focus Productivity Timer from Google Play:
2. Khan Academy
Khan Academy has long been one of the best sources of free education available on the internet and this is one of the best free educational apps. It allows students at all stages of learning to work toward mastery of a subject, not mere completion of the task. The combination of clearly explained videos and practice questions allows students to learn at their own pace.
Download Khan Academy from Google Play
3. Sleep As Android
While real life Iron Man i.e Elon Musk can get around with only 4-5 hours of sleep, most ordinary people need almost twice that to even function efficiently. Sleep is one of the most important and overlooked factors, which determine how well you are able to retain the information that you learn. Without enough sleep, your body goes haywire and otherwise easy tasks seem unnecessarily difficult.
Sleep As Android allows you to track your sleep using your phone or a smart wearable. Not only that, the app also approaches alarms in a unique way by gently waking you up instead of jerking the life out of you with the loudest part of a heavy metal song. This is not only more relaxing but also a more effective way to get yourself out of bed.
Download Sleep As Android from Google Play
4. Coursera: Online Courses
While Khan Academy has a more “homeschool” feel to it, Coursera is its professional counterpart. Coursera has over 1000 courses which are taught by university professors from 140 of the best universities in the world. Some of the courses are paid but there is a vast collection of free courses which are definitely worth taking a look at. The videos and practice questions are easy to follow and allow you to learn at your own pace.
Download Coursera from Google Play
5. WolframAlpha
Math nerds may already be jumping out of their seats as WolframAlpha is truly the boss of computational knowledge. For those not in the know, WolframAlpha is a project that was started over 25 years ago by Stephen Wolfram which aims to make it easier to find answers to complex scientific questions. WolfraAlpha also powers parts of Siri’s knowledge engine. With this app, you can find the answers to questions across thousands of domains such as mathematics, statistics, physics, chemistry, medicine, materials sciences, engineering, astronomy, computational sciences and so much more.
Download WolframAlpha from Google Play
While all these educational apps are meant to help supplement your education, they are useless without the efforts of you, the student. These apps and the techniques mentioned can be used by anyone looking to learn and become more knowledgeable.