Top Ad & Bump Up Ads Now Come With More and Better Options is the Largest Marketplace of Bangladesh and the best option to secure confirmed sales. A large proportion of sellers manage to make a sale within a matter of few days of posting an ad. With more than 185,000 ads on offer, the sellers are offered two choices to improve their chances of attracting buyers’ attention by Promoting their ads – Top Ad & Bump Up. These options help the sellers to get up to 10X more views on their ads.
Currently, all promotions are applied for 7 days by default. According to recent statistics of, an average sale takes place within 5 days, but sometimes sellers receive continuous calls and inquiries even beyond that due to the popularity of the promotions. On the other hand, for businesses that need to promote their store, brand or collection, promotions provide a great opportunity to leverage a single advertisement to its maximum value by reaching a larger number of potential customers via But due to the limit of 7 days per promotion, the only manner in which this can be done is by re-applying the promotions to their ads again and again.
To eliminate such inconveniences and also to fulfill the varying requirements of our users, is pleased to introduce new options for Top Ad and Bump Up promotions. Now sellers can choose between 3, 7 and 15 days to run promotions of their ads for both Top Ads and Bump Up options. This is ideal since sellers get more value for money by being able to make use of the pricing changes that have come in to effect across the three duration slabs. Meanwhile, buyers’ time is saved as they will no longer have to view items that have already been sold. For our Members and business users this vastly improves their efficiency as they have to run fewer promotions to achieve the same results.
We are committed to improving our systems on a frequent basis to ensure our members and users continuously benefit from how works. The additional feature of choosing the duration of a Top Ad and Bump Up Ad are the only changes that have come into effect, along with the pricing differences, thus users are unlikely to experience any difficulties in posting or promoting their ads.
What more? Get your ad on now.
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