Getting a job in customer service

Getting a job in customer service can be very lucrative. Customer service is a field that doesn’t require extensive prior experience or training and is something that most anyone can easily pick up; this makes it the perfect choice for those new to the workforce, or simply for those that are looking to get a job and earn some extra money. However, there are a few key characteristics that make a person great at customer service jobs.
1. Superior communication skills.
The number one most important requirement for a customer service job is the ability to communicate clearly with your customer. They must be able to understand you, and you need to be able to explain the solution to their problem in a clear and concise way. Even if you are not a great communicator, it’s a skill that can be learned over time.
2. Self control.
Let’s face it: some customers are going to be irate and hard to deal with. When you come across these customers, it can be tempting to lose your temper and yell at them. However, you must maintain a professional approach at all times, no matter how infuriating the customer may be. Because of this, customer service agents need to have exceptional self control at all times.
3. Compassionate.
On the other hand, some customers will be very upset. You must be able to be compassionate and understanding when working in customer service, as your job is to help make the customer’s life easier. This doesn’t make you a servant, however; it makes you a friend.
4. Knowledge.
Not all customer service jobs are the same. However, they all require you to have at least a working knowledge of the product you’re assisting the customer with. If you do not know the ins and outs of the product, you must have a way of finding the information you need, when you need it. That can make all the difference between finding a solution or making the issue at hand worse.
5. Phone skills.
The majority of customer service work will be done remotely via telephone. This means you must have good phone skills: the ability to use the device properly, juggling multiple calls at once, and not lose focus while speaking. If you aren’t face to face with someone, it can be difficult to remain focused on the conversation or explanation, but that’s why the ability to explain clearly is even more important.
6. Strong work ethic.
Someone working in customer service needs to have a strong work ethic. While it’s easy to simply end the call as quickly as possible, going above and beyond for the customer can earn you a level of respect that other customer service agents don’t have. Not only does this make you more valuable in the eyes of your employer, but customers will have greater respect for your company. This simple act can pave the road to future promotions and pay raises.
7. Experience dealing with the public.
One downside to customer service is that many people will blame you for their problems. It’s not personal – it’s simply the mindset of the public when they call in to your company. This is why it’s important to have some experience dealing with irrationality; you are less likely to take it personally and become offended by the customer.
8. Customer appreciation.
Customer service agents must, to some degree, appreciate the customer they are helping. The customer is one of the reasons they have a job; try to put yourself in the customer’s shoes and relate to the problem they may have. It can help to understand them when the customer’s attitude gets to be too much.
9. Work well with others.
When you do customer service, you won’t be alone. You’ll be part of a larger team of service agents all working together to solve problems day in and day out. As such, you’ll need to be okay with working as part of a larger team. After all, this means you’re able to better help more customers, and it gives you comrades in arms who can sympathize when you have particularly difficult customers or another situation that comes up.
10. Patience.
Patience is the most important aspect outside of communication skills. If you’re not patient with customers who have trouble understanding, then you can’t help them. Explain slowly and do what you can to help them grasp the concepts.
Finding Work
There are many ways to find customer service jobs. Looking in classified ads in the newspaper is one way, or you can check with a website like which lists jobs in Dhaka and jobs in Chittagong. You can also look for vacancies within companies. The best way to find work is to put the word out there that you’re willing to do the job and do it well; companies are constantly looking for employees who are able to perform their jobs at a superior level, and if you can prove yourself a valuable employee, the work will come.
It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to fill vacancies in between jobs or not. Just search for jobs in Dhaka, jobs in Chittagong, or in your local area, and you’re sure to turn up some. If you can bring letters of recommendation from previous employers, it will make the job search easier and pretty much ensure you a place of employment. However, keep in mind that the job search can sometimes take time, so it’s important to remain persistent and never give up.