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Mobile Phone Review: Blackberry Passport

The BlackBerry Passport is a model of BlackBerry 10 that is designed by BlackBerry Limited. It is considered a phablet because it combines that features that are traditionally found in both smartphones and tablets. One of the things that makes this device very unique is the fact that is has a display that is shaped like a square and measures 4.5 inches diagonally. It also contains a physical keyboard that has the ability to also be used as a touchpad.

The square shape of the Passport makes it easy to hold and type on for long periods of time. Another one of the key advantages to using this device is that it only weighs 6.9 ounces. Because the phone is not heavy at all, it is very easy to carry with you during your daily activities. Even though it is light, it is still very well made and it has a solid construction that people want a mobile phone to have. If you have used a BlackBerry phone in the past, such as the BlackBerry Pearl, BlackBerry Curve or BlackBerry Storm, you should seriously consider buying the BlackBerry Passport. Have a look on the Best Upcoming Flagship Mobile Phones of 2019.

The display of the BlackBerry Passport has a resolution that is 1,440×1,440-pixels. It also contains a 453 pixels per inch pixel density. The screen is very attractive to look at. However, the width of the screen is the most important element that will make people interested in using this device. The display is so wide that every line is able to display up to 60 characters. The Passport is also an ideal device if you spend a lot of time online. Because of the large size of the Passport’s display, it makes reading information on websites a fun experience. Unlike most smartphones that are currently on the market, your eyes will not become tired and strained from reading a lot of text on your favorite websites. You will also be able to fit a large amount of text on the screen at the same time. You will not need to zoom in on the website or switch to a landscape mode that has a wider view.

If you like to use your smartphone to watch videos and look at pictures, the BlackBerry Passport is designed with both of these tasks in mind. When you view any photos or videos, they will appear with bright and vivid colors. The colors in these images will never shift, no matter what angle you are holding the phone at. If you are not happy with the way an image looks, you can simply use the color settings on the display to change the color saturation and the white balance until everything looks exactly the way you want it. The IPS LCD screen looks equally good whether you are using it outdoors or in your office. However, as is the case with most smartphones, the display will become harder to see if direct sunlight is shining on it.

BlackBerry has been famous for making smartphones and devices with keyboards for many years. However, the keyboard found on the passport is not the same as it is on other popular BlackBerry models. While the keyboard that BlackBerry users are used to contains four rows of keys, the keyboard on the Passport has only three rows of keys. It is basically a combination of a virtual keyboard and one that is real. On the bottom of the display, users will find a row of keys that are all context-sensitive. Also check out Top Must Have Features in Any Smartphone in Coming Year.

BlackBerry OS 10.3 is the operating system that is used to run the BlackBerry Passport. Many apps that are available for Android devices can also be run on the Passport. The device comes with the Amazon Appstore already preinstalled. All you need to do is open the Appstore and begin downloading apps in the same way you would for a device that is made by Android. You can also use the Blackberry app world download to get additional apps. Of course, BlackBerry’s famous BBM feature is available with the Passport. One of the nice features is that your friends can contact you with BBM even if they are using Windows Phone, Android or iOS.

As far as the BlackBerry 10.3 operating system is concerned, users will not be disappointed with how smoothly it functions. As long as BlackBerry has been around, they have always been knows for providing their users with outstanding messaging and email service. There is a sidebar that is titled “Instant Actions” that you can use to reply to text messages very quickly. You can also delete emails or put them into specific folders using this feature. You can also use the “Priority Hub” feature to sort all of your most important messages and emails. You are able to flag the messages that are the most important to you and they will always be sent to the Priority Hub so you will be able to read them quickly.

The BlackBerry Passport has an interface that has been streamlined. This makes using the device very simple and straightforward. All you need to do to access the settigs of an app is to use a single finger to swipe down from the top of the display. Swiping down with two fingers will show you the general settings for your phone. Minimizing an app simply requires swiping up from the bottom of the screen. The Passport has the ability to open as many as eight apps at the same time.

The Passport features the BlackBerry Assistant. The is BlackBerry’s version of the iPhone’s Siri. It works in the same way Siri does. You can use the Assistant to send emails, set dates on your calendar, send text messages, dictate notes and much more. If you want to know the current scores for sporting events that are in progress, all you need to do is ask for the scores for the sport you are interested in. The Assistant will then tell you the scores of every game that is going on, as well as a list of all the games that are scheduled later that day.

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