A User’s Guide for Landing Marketing Jobs in Bangladesh

Despite what many may claim on local news shows and in papers, it is actually a very vibrant economy in certain sectors. Of course, finding the right type of job is the most essential part of earning a good living; not all employment opportunities are the same, and not all areas are experiencing the same job growth or even any growth at all.
In Bangladesh, believe it or not, those living in and around the area actually have an advantage compared to a lot of the workforce abroad. Located just west of India on the subcontinent of Asia, Bangladesh has the distinction of operating on a much lower cost of living than heavily populated nations in Europe or the United States. While this fact may be no relief to anyone struggling to find gainful employment in Bangladesh, you could find solace and inspiration in this fact.
If you are located in Bangladesh, there are many employers out there who already want to hire someone from your region of the world. Not so much so they can get over on anyone, but more so they can cut their operating costs. If you’re looking for job vacancies, here are some tips to help you string together an employment plan.
Five Tips To Help You Find Marketing Jobs in Bangladesh
1: Find Your Niche
The first step in this process is to find a niche in which you excel. Not everyone is cut out for marketing jobs. Some people may find their strengths in offering telephone support for insurance companies, or even in a field like freelance writing and SEO, coding, etc. For this step, the idea is to find what you’re best at. Putting your best foot forward, as the saying goes, will help you to showcase your strengths when it comes time to find employment.
The reason this is the first step in the process is because you need to get your mindset ready for the push ahead. By figuring out what you’re best at and what you wish to pursue, you have a much greater opportunity of actually finding gainful employment in your chosen field. Whereas if you’re simply trying to do anything that pays, you may come across as inexperienced and ultimately undesirable.
2: Build Your Resume
The next step in this process is to build your resume. If you’re looking for jobs in marketing, for example, you want to put together a portfolio that highlights your experience. How can you do this if you haven’t held top tier positions with marketing companies? The easiest way is to start by showcasing your knowledge of the industry. In your resume, include a small essay that illustrates steps you would take in marketing to help product X receive recognition.
Since you are in a desirable zone, many employers may be seeking competence rather than a lot of experience. This will not be the case for most jobs, but there are plenty of opportunities out there where having the know-how works in your favor just as well as having five years of experience. Regardless, highlight your talents in your resume, include solid references, and speak some about yourself, your drive, and your grasp of the niche you have chosen.
3: Construct a Brand
Next up, you want to construct a brand. If you are hunting for jobs in Dhaka, for example, you might want to look into creating various social media profiles so that you can get your name out there. Say, for instance, you created a LinkedIn page, a business page on Facebook, and had a business Twitter account. Reaching out locally to other businesses and branding yourself can help you to gain recognition.
Just remember that social profiles should be active. This means posting frequently, joining relevant circles, and delivering information-based posts that show everyone that you have a firm grasp of the subject matter. This will help you to create a brand; you will shine as someone who is competent in your niche.
4: Look Into Freelancing
Another great way to pursue employment in Bangladesh is to look at various freelancing websites. Although this may seem like a generic tip, keep in mind that it should follow the previous steps. First, find your niche, build your resume, and construct a brand. Once you have that initial groundwork in place, it should be easier to sell yourself on various freelancing sites.
You can be a writer, a coder, an editor, a programmer, and you can find a variety of jobs in marketing and other areas where your expertise can shine. This field is competitive, however, and you will most likely be bidding with other individuals looking for jobs in Bangladesh. So remember the branding bit; beyond having the most attractive bid, you have to sell yourself as the right person for the job at hand. Landing a few of these jobs goes a long way to building up a strong resume and ample experience.
5: Take on Experience-Building Jobs
Even if you happen to have experience in the niche of your choice, it does not hurt at all to take a variety of jobs to further boost your experience level. For instance, you may find a job on a freelancing site that does not pay as well as you would like. Should you pass it up or should you take it? If you take this job, you will start to build a reputation as a good employee, and you will have more under your belt in terms of experience.
Climbing a career ladder does not start at the top. Working your way up the proverbial rungs is going to be hard work. It will often be thankless work that you are not rewarded for to your particular liking. However, if you are willing to grind it out, and if you can follow some of these simple steps laid out above, you can find gainful employment in Bangladesh and start earning money.
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