
Advantages of Part-Time Jobs in Bangladesh

Well, its true, life is tough! The going only gets tougher with bad national economy coupled with the lack of proper job opportunities for its citizens. Whether you are searching for a part-time job, a student job, a supplementary income source to support your current salary, this article is written to assist in your parttime job search in Bangladesh.

Jobs availability is an issue which is not unique for developing nations such as Bangladesh. Developed countries such as USA & UK too have a job availability problem. But the difference is that there are not enough attractive jobs in developed nations. So, there are jobs available in those developed countries, but when someone starts their job search, they realize the lack of a suitable job with their desired salary, etc. In Bangladesh, simply put there are no jobs!

Well, dont lose hope! While it is true that there doesnt seem to suitable jobs for most people even in the capital city of Dhaka, parttime jobs are truly a good solution. Whether you are a student in search of pocket money, or if you need additional income to support your current salary, or if you just want to gain experience, or if you need flexible work hours due to personal commitments, parttime job search will be most beneficial. Parttime jobs may not have the salary of a fulltime job, but it definitely gives you the minimum support.

Parttime job and a fulltime job is two completely different types of lifestyles. A fulltime job and juggling other activities like education and family can be hectic. On the other hand, parttime jobs give you the freedom of managing your time efficiently. But the decision between the two lifestyles is not so simple. So, while something new should always be given a chance, you should take this very important decision with extreme care. Having said that, I personally prefer to choose parttime jobs and these are some of the reasons you may love it too! If Looking for a Job? Prepare Yourself Well for the Interview.

Relaxing & More Energetic

Part_time jobs Bikroy

It is not ideal that your job should be very relaxing or comforting since that will more than likely hamper your productivity. But it is definitely an advantage to love your job. Having a job which is relaxing and not stressful is rare and this may not even be in existence. A fulltime job, regardless of which field it is in, tends to stressful and draining. However, when you go into a parttime job you will find it relaxing and ultimately, you will feel more energetic. The shorter hours, lesser responsibilities and overall, fewer job duties preserve your energy and as a result, it keeps your mind relaxed.

Now, you may not like my perspective, but this is one of the most career appropriate things to do in the job market of Bangladesh. With a lack of appropriate jobs in every field, we can venture into multiple fields of work by our job search, work multiple parttime jobs and then identify our true calling or the job opportunity with the maximum potential return for our time. In such a way, we can actually work more hours since our job roles & responsibilities will be lowstress.

When you start your parttime job search on classified ads, newspapers, walkin interviews, or even at online job search portals such as, you will see that the job listings sound very interesting. These jobs dont require an allinone employee for all their organizational duties rather they look for people to complete some specific tasks in a much defined role.

Do More than Just Work

Additionally, being in a relaxed mindframe and with more energy, you build up your capability pursue other important things such as your passion, be it blogging or vlogging, or time for your family such as your parents, your wife, your children, or even, additional income sources such as a business, another job, etc. Yes, thats right, I said it! It is far more relaxing to work multiple parttime jobs with multiple small salaries rather than a fulltime job with one big salary.

As a result, you can do more than just work! Returning home from your typical fulltime job, may mean coming home exhausted and having no energy to do house chores, hangouts, or even give time to friends & family. As such, we give up the more important things in life. But when you come back from a shorter, stress-free parttime job, you will be able to give time to those more important things in life, and then head back into your second parttime job. So, even though you may be putting in more hours in multiple parttime jobs, you will have more free time for other responsibilities & interests.

Be Flexible & Set Priorities

Parttime jobs as student jobs are the most appropriate choice. There are just not enough hours in a day for classes, studying, working, socializing and pursuing life other goals rather than just working. Student jobs give more flexibility to work around classes, weekends & even string together more than a single job for a fair salary. With completely different job environments, its always exciting and, unlike typical 9to5 fulltime jobs, boredom is no longer an option.

As a parttime worker, you will be able to set priorities and not have to hide your true passion or afraid of recognizing your true passion, whatever it may be. It is typical that you have to convey to your employer that whatever youre doing is truly what you want to do, regardless if that is true, or not. But your parttime employer will appreciate if you happen to have a completely different goal, or a passion you want to pursue, or a business you may want to start, etc. When you start your job search in any online or offline job searching platform, consider the flexibility of parttime jobs before committing to a fulltime job which may eat up all your time & energy for a slightly larger salary

Develop Time & Budget Management Skills

develop skills

My standpoint is in no way undermining fulltime jobs or even discouraging you from a job search whether it is parttime or fulltime. I feel taking on a parttime job is one of the most suitable options in many cases and it is not just limited as student jobs. The benefits of a parttime job is more than just the salary earned, it teaches many valuable lessons which may be taken for granted. During a parttime job you will learn to constantly explore new opportunities and challenges. You will be able to invest time to discover new things you would otherwise consider a distraction. Maybe what you consider a distraction from your fulltime job now is your true passion.

One of the many important lessons taught by parttime jobs is time management. As mentioned earlier, you will be able to set priorities and have more flexibility to do more than just work. Another important lesson is budget management skills. You will become more and more efficient in keeping track of your salary earned and your expenses. Especially for students, time & budget management skills will be extremely helpful in coming into adulthood. You will be less likely to frivolously spend your hardearned salary and in turn, save for more important expenses. As students, the harder we work to earn a salary, the more appreciation we have of it.


So what do you think? Isnt parttime job the best option? I am just kidding, this is not a decision you take based on a feeling. Sometimes, parttime & fulltime jobs dont have too many differences other than hours worked. But most of the time, the role & responsibilities placed on fulltime employees are much greater than that of parttime employees, regardless of how much or how little the difference in salary earned. So, this decision requires you to put yourself in genuinely clear state of mind and honestly consider what is most appropriate for your specific situation, goals and priorities.

It is not necessary to state that most of us do not have the luxury of choosing our desired job or salary from our job search in Bangladesh. But as a single, mid20s male with a passion for writing, I would almost always choose the relaxed lifestyle of a parttime worker. I string together two jobs and earn a salary equal to one fulltime job but have enough flexibility for friends & family while also, keeping my workplace exciting with two different environments and relaxed job roles in both. On top of it all, I can follow my passion for writing.

So, visit and look for new things to experience new feelings by doing all types of jobs search including fulltime, parttime, contractual, etc. At the right time, with proper preparation and sometimes a bit of luck, you will find your desired job. Look at newspaper job listings, Facebook job posts, online classified ads and online job portals for your job searchGet Help for Your Job Search in Bangladesh! Visit

Do you agree? Or do you strongly disagree? What are some benefits of parttime jobs that I may have missed? Are there major disadvantages which steer you away from parttime jobs? Share your thoughts, experiences and suggestions with other readers with your valuable comments & feedback.

Happy job hunting & best of luck!

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