Reasons You Should Spray Sepnil Disinfectant on Common Surfaces

Earlier, pretty much all of us were familiar with terms like germs and disinfectants, but how many of us have actually used disinfectants that we cannot say for sure. These days, when the whole world is affected by Coronavirus, we are re-adjusting to terms like germs and disinfectants and some new terms like quarantine, lockdown, or social distancing. In this situation, when we are fighting an invisible virus, we have to think about the safety of ourselves and our family members before anything. Therefore, to make sure of the cleanliness of our own and the surroundings, we should pay deep attention to using hand wash and hand sanitizer in their daily life. Just as hand washes and hand sanitizers, we have liquid sprays to disinfect our daily use items. Hospitals and health centers have always been using this to terminate hazardous germs and viruses that cause harmful diseases, but now everyone should use this to keep a virus-free environment. If we use disinfectant and disinfectant spray with given precautions and keep the surroundings clean, the risk of infection by the virus can be reduced significantly. We have discussed handwash and hand sanitizer in our previous articles, today we will walk you through the functions of disinfectant spray and how and where to use it.
What Is Disinfectant Spray?
Disinfectant is an infectious antiseptic or germicide that assists to eliminate harmful viruses and bacteria like COVID-19. When the world slowly began to normalize, the necessity of using disinfectant sprays kept us ahead of the war against viruses.
Why Should You Use Disinfectant Spray?
Lives around the world got upside-down due to the Coronavirus pandemic. At this point, the main focus for them is to fight back the virus and survive. For this, we need to be always cautious about all sorts of hygiene. This is why we should keep commonly used surfaces of our surroundings sanitized to protect ourselves.
Where to Use Disinfectant Spray?
The virus SARS CoV-2 which is responsible for Coronavirus can be alive on different surfaces for different time lengths. It can survive 5 days on plastic, 4 days on wood and glass, 2 days in stainless steel, and it can survive up to 4-5 days on objects like surgical gloves and paper. Studies show that the virus can remain highly active on clothes for 2 to 3 days and around 24 hours on cardboard (Source- WHO). For additional precautions, this is essential to disinfect these things before use. Below, we have also discussed how we can safeguard commonly touched objects by using disinfectant sprays.
To Keep Different Buttons and Switches Sterile
We use several switches or buttons on a daily basis that come in contact with numerous people. Elevator button, ATM button, AC or remote button, calling bell switch are some of the examples that we often touch. In that case, these buttons and switches should be disinfected by the disinfectant spray.
To keep Different Handles Virus-free
Door knobs that we use every day in home and office, the car handles, or handles of public places should be cleaned with disinfectant sprays before use.
To Disinfect Electronic Appliances, Laptops, And Mobile Phones
We keep our daily companion – mobile phones in different places which allows the device to be more likely in contact with the virus. So, we have to disinfect the mobile phone daily with disinfectant sprays. Likewise, laptop keyboards, touchpads, computer keyboards need to be regularly disinfected with disinfectant sprays. Since numerous people use these in the office, so we need to be more cautious about the cleanliness to stay far away from viruses.
To Clean Public Toilet Seats and Basin Faucets
Public toilet seats are the most viable source of spreading germs and viruses. We have to use public toilets if we are in the office, shopping malls, or outside. Therefore, there is a high risk of infections and viruses from these areas. It’s necessary to spray on the toilet seat before using the toilet in these places. Besides, it’s also important to disinfect the faucets of these places with disinfectant spray. Because there is a possibility of infection from the faucet of the basin, even after washing hands repeatedly.
To Keep Office and Home Furnitures Virus-free
By taking the utmost precautions during the pandemic, we can protect yourself and the people around us. This is why it’s recommended to disinfect our desk, chair, file regularly with disinfectant spray. Besides, household furniture, carpets, and other items that are commonly used can be kept safe by disinfectant spray regularly. A little extra caution is essential for everyone these days.
Other Uses
There goes a proverb – “prevention is better than cure”. This is why everyone should provide the utmost importance to be cautious. If we go out, there is a possibility that our bags and other things would come in contact with commonplaces. So, after returning home, if we clean these objects with disinfectant spray, we and our family members can remain safe. Disinfectant sprays should also be used on various items purchased from shops like carrying bags or plastic, packets wrapped in cardboard, or any other items that may have been touched by several people.
Why Use Sepnil Disinfectant Spray?
The role of the disinfectant spray is to disinfect several objects. When sprayed over any substances- it will terminate all the microorganisms over there. And Sepnil disinfectant spray is so proficient in doing so. Sepnil disinfectant spray could be our companion to keep your surroundings clean. This chemical makeup of this spray is 70% ethyl alcohol, perfume, butane, and propane, which can quickly neutralize harmful germs. You can easily find a Sepnil 300ml disinfectant spray from any online shops and marketplaces at a reasonable price. Using this easily accessible spray can ensure the safety of us and our family members.
- Terms of Use
Toilet seats, empty kitchen bin, furniture, door knobs, goods bought from outside, keys, and other objects can be disinfected by using Sepnil disinfectant spray. Before using Sepnil Disinfectant spray, the particular object should be wiped through a piece of cloth or tissue paper to make sure that there is no dust. Then the Sepnil disinfectant spray should be sprayed across the whole object for 3 to 4 seconds at a distance of 6 to 8 inches from that specific object. Then give it some time to dry. Once it’s done, you do not have to worry about infection again.
- Effectiveness
Made with 70% alcohol, Sepnil disinfectant spray kills 99.99% germs or viruses. The spray is not only effective against colds, coughs, flu, or COVID-19 viruses but also it destroys several odor-causing germs and prevents the spread of odors. Additionally, it spreads a little aroma in the air. When you are getting this much from a single spray, what more could you want! So, the effectiveness of Sepnil disinfectant spray cannot be overstated.
- Protection
When the priority is to protect ourselves and our surroundings, it’s not enough to disinfect the surroundings by using the spray. As the disinfectant spray is a chemical composition, it’s important to maintain cautions considering safety issues. It’s essential to know the usage properly and then use it properly. Sepnil disinfectant spray is suitable for use on any kind of inert substance but cannot be applied directly to the human body or air. As alcohol took the most room for this chemical combination, it is highly flammable. So, we should be aware of the presence of fire in the vicinity while using the Sepnil disinfectant spray. Otherwise, there could be a hazardous incident. After using the spray, give some time to dry properly. Sepnil disinfectant spray should be kept out of the reach of children.
Final Words
We hope, after reading this article you can understand that it’s not enough to look after your hygiene only if you want to fight any diseases caused by germs. We need to keep our surroundings germ-free with the same importance. No matter how, where, and which situation you are in, you should keep this in mind. We must have to win the battle against the virus. This is why keep the surface clean and disinfect with Sepnil disinfectant spray around you where the virus could exist. To prevent the spreading of infection, make sure to disinfect the public places and objects which are most likely to be infected by Sepnil disinfectant spray. Protect yourself and your surroundings regularly by using Sepnil disinfectant spray which is highly effective in destroying harmful germs.